Due to lack of interest by the regular members in the Far North and the Branch committee folding at the last AGM, there will no longer by any regular meetings held for the FNQ Branch.
2015 AGM Agenda items update
As was indicated in an email sent out to all FNQ members prior to the AGM, the existing Branch Committee, including the Branch Chairperson, the joint Secretary/Treasurer and Reception Officers, all declined to accept nominations for re-election. No other members put their names forward and therefore there is no longer an active management committee for the FNQ Branch
Sgt Gil DYETT of the Cairns Station, who was previously a general committee member, has accepted the responsibility of being the local contact person for the Far North, should any IPA members be seeking assistance whilst visiting the Cairns area.
Social News
Nil current activities planned.
Branch Meeting Minutes
PLEASE NOTE – Minutes of the Far North Queensland Branch are available from the Queensland Executive Secretary if required.
Please contact the Secretary by email and provide your full name and IPA Number within the email.